Too young to cry...Too young to die

by Keep it simple stupid!!   Nov 22, 2007

Maybe this is too much for us both..
we had our time...
the kissing in the rain...
the rubbing our nose
the making each other laugh..
i want to tell you how much i still want you..
how much i still love you
how much it hurts to see you outta sight
in these endless nights...

I'd like to tell myself tomorrow's going to be better
and all these sorrow will just disappear
but we all know...the only way that'll ever happen is
is....if i end it all ...right now right here...

i'm so lost inside...
so torn down in the inside...
but the truth is...
we're all too young...
too young to cry..too young to die..


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  • 16 years ago

    by Keep it simple stupid!!

    Lol thanks

  • 16 years ago

    by lizz

    Yes you are too young to die plz dont do it is NOT worth it, just wait in time your heart will heal xoxo