I really like this.
It was a very captivating piece and I enjoyed it alot.
I love how you gave of the impression he is totally evil and he was guiltless
but then at the end when he says he's sorry he's crying.
It really added depth.
You could still revise this to improve the flow..
You had a few missing words, but thats easily fixed. Like in this stanza..
'She never should "Have" loved him
Never "should have"trusted him
Those tears she wished she could drown him in
And a favour she could give to him'
^It also helps the flow cause it evens out the line lengths.
'He puts her in shackles, ties her down
A captive angel she becomes
With broken wings and not a heart
As he walks away with a smile and another heart'
^ This peice was seeping with sadness.. However the flow is off since you ended two lines with the same word. A little tip it I once was given when I did this alot was "It's easy to rymthe a word with itself.. Get a dictionary and find a better word" lol.
For this stanza I believe the problem is corrected easily. Try this isnstead...
'He puts her in shackles, ties her down
With broken wings and not a heart
A captive angel she becomes
As he walks away with a smile and another heart'
^ It seperates the same word and helps the flow:)
'And with the end of her frail feather
She cuts a wound deeper than her soul
She marks her worth
Cuts out her heart and hands it to him'