I'm tired...

by Poetic Ninja aka Papachopchop   Nov 23, 2007

I'm tired of the crap of life,

Stabbing my heart with a bloody knife,

I'm tired of the way things are,

screw it all, I'll go to the bar,

I'll drink my sorrows far away,

and save my cares for another day,

I'm tired of fate tearing me apart,

With a padded wallet but bloody heart,

I sit and wonder whens my day,

When I'll find a princess to take away,

Is there something wrong with me?

When I give my heart and very being,

I play it off like it doesn't hurt,

When I really feel like a pile of dirt,

All this fun we had in the past,

Has gone and went, it happened so fast.

I just hope the new guy in store,

Realizes your precious and much, much more,

For he is the one that captured your heart,

And now I'm the one torn all apart.

I loved you with the fire red,

Now it's turning cold and blue,

I'm sorry for the lovely angel,

Heaven let me think was you.

I'm tired of the crap of life,

Stabbing my heart with a bloody knife,

Will I have the strength to rise again,

and only call you, my old friend.....

I just don't know....


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  • 17 years ago

    by iloveHIMonly

    "bloody knife"
    This has more emotion then i've seen. It shows your hurt, and ready to give up, and your sick of all this crap.
    But my advice,
    don't give up. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. and i know you probably hear that a lot, but its true.
    The pain you feel is normal and everyone goes through it.
    But thats why this site is made, to let it out, and to meet people who will help you.

    lift your chin up, and SMILE.:)


  • 17 years ago

    by Sadia


    I Liek this one .
    Cause like we all go thru that . you know?
    Being hurt by the ones we love :/
    Sorry u had to go thru it .
    But u writing ' is great