A Story of Heartbreak

by killcupidxoxo   Nov 23, 2007

I gave you my Heart
I gave you my soul
But with my all surrendered
Your unfaithfulness took its toll

Why did you cheat on me?
Why did you lie?
And worse, I had to find out from your best friend
And when I heard those words, within myself I began to die

Wast I good enough for you?
Did I scare you away?
Why is it that everyone who knows me well
Never seem to stay?

With you I could speak the unspeakable
I could safely reveal my shame
You became my rock, my everything
But for you I was just another game

How could you treat me like this?
How can you hold your head up high?
When you have left me so broken
And wanting to die

You were my world, and still are
The sole reason for my hope and joy
Your kisses were like heaven, like angels from above
But I did not realise that I was just your toy

You were my first and only love
My one reason for living
And you kept my frail heart alive
With your endless love that kept on giving

But just as you gave me everything
Like it was nothing you took it all away
And without you here in my arms, whispering those words
My forever broken, cold heart to rest I lay

Now no words could describe what you were to me
But I was just falling for a fake
And now as you stand before me, true self revealed
I realise that you did not truly love me, as all you did was take

But the worst blow you saved for last
After all that you put me through, all the tears you made me cry
You are now off with another girl, letting her fall in love with that very same lie


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  • 17 years ago

    by noha

    Its realy good work i can see how u hurt from this love and specially if its ur first i wish if u realy find ur real love that makes u alife again

  • 17 years ago

    by Angel Of Death

    I like this poem, great wording. rhyme was gud 2 great work, keep it up! 5/5...thnx 4 commentin mine 2.
    x o x o

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