Where Once A Beauty (Trijan Refrain)

by debbylyn   Nov 23, 2007

Where once a beauty did reside
A barren path remains
Frozen fast as love denied
Infused with sad refrains
Upon the brink of cold abyss
Consumed by visions of your kiss
Upon the brink
Upon the brink
Faint echoes of the love I miss

Where once a beauty did reside
Wind carries lonely cries
In darkness I am forced to hide
Turn everything inside
I long for you to rescue me
Embrace this heart and set me free
I long for you
I long for you
Restore the love that used to be

Where once a beauty did reside
Cold fingers tighten fast
With all the bitter tears I've cried
I'm sentenced to the past
Time drifts away, leaves me behind
You turned away, the void assigned
Time drifts away
Time drifts away
In icy tomb I am enshrined


written for Cindy and Illuminatix's picture challenge

Trijan Refrain: three 9 line stanzas...line one repeats as the first line of all 3 stanzas...

the first 4 syllables of line 5 are repeated as the double refrain for lines 7 and 8

rhyme scheme: ababccddc


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Morgan

    Beautifully sad

  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    Such a sad story being told within the thsi piece, you portray the despair and absolute desolateness the body mind and soul are left in when love departs.

    You really hit your point home with powerfully placed metaphors and harsh images. This is a poem I could read over and over again.

    Wonderful work.


  • 17 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    The flow and word choice are very well done. Heartbreaking and brilliant! Excellent job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Cecile Katricia Peter Nogis

    Love your mind..i love it all

  • 17 years ago

    by Lithium

    You are cindy i must say are both very creative, what a great poem to well done xox sam