Anything But A Phone Call

by aDORKable x3   Nov 23, 2007

The tears streamed down my pale white face;
The memory of that day will never be erased.
The day you told me that your leaving to fight -
I couldn't sleep through the rest of the night.

With fighting and killing in out very own area
I couldn't understand why you'd want something scarier.
But I trusted in you and I knew you'll be okay,
I just wasn't ready for today.

You took my hand as you looked me in the eye-
Gently wiping away any tears that I had cried.
Your smile was reassuring, but my heart was still sinking -
I just could accept that this was what you were thinking.

I love you beyond compare and I know your doing what's right,
But what am I supposed to do as you go off to fight?
Living each day, in constant worry and fear -
Knowing you're far away yet wishing that you're near.

Growing up, I saw you become the person you are now -
I never questioned your decison except by asking "How?"
I didn't know how you could leave, without knowing you'd be safe,
Safe from bombs, guns, explosives and strafes.

So I kissed you good bye, maybe for the last time
As I hummed our song, into the plane you climbed.
You waved back to me - the tears welled up again;
I was wondering if this was ever going to end.

Before you left, I told you something, I hoped you wouldn't forget it -
And thinking back to it now, I just hope I don't regret it.
If anything were to happen to you, anything at all -
Tell them I need Anything But A Phone Call.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kayla

    Wow... this poem was amazingly beautiful. I haven't read a poem this good in a very long time. You deserve a lot of credit for this piece. The flow was perfect and the choice of words was.. honestly mind-blowing. I personally can't relate to it, but I'm sure many others will be able to. Keep up the magnificent work dear, 5/5. <3 <3 <3
