Waiting, Silently, Patiently

by babypeaches   Nov 24, 2007

I gathered up all my courage
To ask you that one thing that haunted me so
Would you go out with me I like you
I said these three simple words
You have no idea how hard it was
And now I must wait
For an answer
Tomorrow's my birthday
An and if your answer is not positive
It'll wreck my b-day
So now I'm sitting here
For one reply
One word
Just one word
It takes you so long to decide
Is it because you like me but don't want to ruin our friendship
Or is it because you simply don't like me
Which one is it
I can not bear the wait
And I have to wait till tomorrow
When it's my birthday
I Like you
I really do
When will you see it
Can't you see it?
Waiting here
Till tomorrow
When I expect and answer
I need one
I want one
I can't go on not knowing
It keeps me up this night
Just for you to answer ONE question


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  • 17 years ago

    by KJ

    Very good poem. I liked the way that you emphasize the "Waiting, Silently, Patiently". Perfect 5/5

    PaSsIoNaTe kIsSeS