Chain Me to Obscurity

by NyellMoonlight   Nov 24, 2007

I mutilated your thoughts before you uttered them,
played with the silver necklaces of trust (heart-shaped)
lived by heretic laws trough your vaporous cold eyes
inheriting pieces of the unveiling circumstances.

Chain me to obscurity; feed me with abstractions;
drown me in the shadows of turquoise enigmas-
I will not stumble on your absurd prudence that pulses...
So, shall we reconsider our absorbing aberrations?

I mutilated your thoughts before you uttered them
regained control over violet wraths that consumed your mind;
Monstrous tranquility sheltered frailness of this confusion
as we mourned over particles of darkened yesterdays.

Chain me to obscurity; touch me with the hands of cold steel;
I'm ready to drink blackness from the chalices of anathemas-
I will not fail to seize your alluring sense for fallacies...
So, shall we embrace this ardent illusion for the rest of our lives?


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  • 16 years ago

    by firexdancer

    Once again, another gorgeous poem. This one I really loved, there was none of the repetitiveness that slightly bothers me, and it just flowed so beautifully, all of it. You are a master of non-rhyming poems, you seem to be able to make anything flow perfectly, no matter what it is.
    "I mutilated your thoughts before you uttered them"
    ^This line is amazing, I love the imagery of it and the rest of the poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    I mutilated your thoughts before you uttered them,
    played with the silver necklaces of trust (heart-shaped)
    lived by heretic laws trough your vaporous cold eyes
    inheriting pieces of the unveiling circumstances.

    ^^ I really liked how you put (heart-shaped) in parentheses. It makes it stand out describes the necklace.

    I also liked how to repeated these two lines: "I mutilated your thoughts before you uttered them" and "Chain me to obscurity". It really adds to the poem, and gets the point across.

    As usual, your vocab was extremely good, as was the imagrey. [I bet you get tired of people saying this, but it's not something you can overlook.]


    Keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Oh boy this was amazing. Your work never ceases to blow me away. I bet you're getting tired of me saying flawless imagery and vocabulary but thats what makes you poems stand out and shine over the rest. You truly do have a way with words to turn and twist them into what you want to say and in no way does it seemed forced but flows naturally.

    The meaning behind this was in no way simple and was so powerful .. profound. I love how different people can interpret this in different ways and its not so black and white. Each person can see themselves in this and take something back with them after reading and its truly a gift to impact everyone not just certain people.

    Well done on this my dear. I truly enjoyed myself *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by Teria

    In this poem I favored the color deal; violet, blackness, turquoise and whatnot.

    You did a wonderful job once again.
    I almost feel useless. ;[ There's no way I can help you improve. lol.


  • 17 years ago

    by Nix

    Wow! amazing job, so vivid and lively piece. I absolutely love your fascinating descriptions. Whole poem is very deep and the way you wrote it is impressing. Well done, every stanza contains mind-blowing pictures and thoughts. You expressed your emotions greatly, also I am in awe with what you did with this title. So powerful write, you deserves top grades for this piece.