Lovers Knot

by Jordan W   Nov 24, 2007

When you're in love,
nothing else in the world is too be seen in front of your eyes,
Except that one special someone,
Whom you're eyes wish to drink in,
Whom you're soul grasps desperately to be with,
Whom you're very essence longs for.
When you're in love,
You often make mistakes,
You often don't do things right,
You often do things how they've already been done.
When your in love,
You cannot play it safe or by the book,
I tried and failed by using this method,
I almost failed again,
But i unleashed the bound passion and the fear of being struck down again,
I let loose the raw emotion and passion,
Sometimes I'm a jerk,
Sometimes I'm a real _______
But I always try to make amends,
I don't always know how to do this,
But somehow it always works out,
Somehow someway,
I know it always will.
When i first began to re-open myself to the outside world,
I was too wary and cautious,
To distant,
To cold,
To emotionless...
I continued to slowly open up,
Until I met her,
And then my mind and body froze and closed up,
No emotion could get through except on the rare passionate occasion,
I didn't let myself feel for her,
Because i was stricken with a deadly fear of the pain that might ensue,
I felt nothing even when someone told me things,
I felt nothing when someone told me she was going to throw me away like trash,
I felt nothing...
Until it kicked me in the face...
And I was caught off gaurd,
It smacked me into reality,
and I realized that if I lost this person so near and dear,
Then I might as well loose myself,
For this person now makes up my waking and my dreaming,
For this person now defines who I am,
and I hope that she sees this,
I hope that she knows,
That all that I am,
Now resides in her hand,
And she can crush me,
On a whim.
for when you're in love,
There are no boundaries.


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  • 17 years ago

    by TrueLover

    True...I like this...Very emotional...And the line "when you are in love, there are no boundaries" is so true, so so true...painfully.