Fall Into Me [Sonnet]

by fearose   Nov 25, 2007

Timeless arms always here to break your fall
When you exit this world falling from grace
And you just leave me here to beg and crawl
Alone, helpless, and cold without a face

Warm memories and comfortable nights
Lullabies and happy kisses alive
Keep me here to continue with the fight
And fill me up with the will to survive

Familiar textiles so soft to the touch
But I can't remember your lovely smell
Suddenly in loss, I don't miss you much
But from these sorrowful tears, you can't tell

Forget your lost love and let me be free
Let go of this world and fall into me


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexis

    I LoVe iT yOuR GoOd KeEp WrIteiN iTs YoUr NaTuRaL TaLeNt


  • 17 years ago

    by Fading Memories

    Wow..... your good.... *whistles* really good.....

