Comments : Behind The Waterfall

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    Awe. this is so sad. it almost made mehh cry. :[ another excellent poem. 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Red CSIII

    It's absolutely beautiful; nature and love,

    ^_^ such an amazing combination

    Thank you for linking me to this ^_^

  • 17 years ago

    by Brittany

    This is a very relatable piece, and I absolutely love the whole behind the waterfall into to each stanza. It is beautiful, and it really gives such an innocent image.

  • 17 years ago

    by Veamm


    I notice that every lines do have a same meaning, but it doesn't matter. I love your style and the simplicity. This one was not your best. but it still great for me. Keep rocking!

    Keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen of Spades

    Very nice poem! A true pleasure to read.

    My favorite part was the reptition of the phrase "Behind the waterfall." It added a sort of eloquent imagery to your poem and I enjoyed that very much.

    Keep writing and I'll keep reading, I like your work a lot!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Hmm what a mysterious waterfall! i love the style and how u described love from this... the flow i love it! its like a waterfall that falls all the sweet and real emotions from ur heart! great poem5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Fsams

    Your poem left a great impression on me. I like your poem coz it explains the story very well. GREAT WORK 5.5 TC

  • 17 years ago

    by ♥SeRioUsLy DyinG♥

    KooL PoeM i LuV Da DeTaiL oF iT...KeeP uP Da GuD WorK...Don'T sToP uR PaSSioN @ N E CosT...

  • 17 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    All i can say is: this an ultra superb poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    This is a wonderful,sweet and touching poem i love it so much even though the ending is sad.I still love it!..=)

  • 17 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love this poem!! It is so awesome!! Keep up the good work!!

  • 17 years ago

    by jLegendc

    Love in the waterfall huh? sounds exotic.. lol!
    anywayz i just loved how the scenery is romantic bcoz of the waterfall and how you told the story.. nice one yo.. umm.. again the title is the first line in every stanza.. i think it's better if you don't do that all the time.. readers might not be feeling your poem if that's always your style. well that's only my opinion.. =] great poem

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    This poem has no words to describe how beautiful and amzing it was. those words are understatements.

    really enjoy your writing. keep doing it, youre talented!

  • 17 years ago

    by Hawaiizang3l

    Aw, what a sad poem! beautifully written though, love the flow & the rhyming!!

    i wasnt sure if this line was written right thouhg "water washed every our pain" not sure.

    but overall good job!!
    take care -n- keep it up!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    The imagery here was just flawlessly beautiful. I could picture everything clearly in my mind and the emotions were real deep. The last two lines were so powerful and held such meaning that they blew me away. Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Very good. although i think that this
    "Behind the waterfall, we didn't even care about cold
    Then you promised me that I'm the only one to hold
    Where the happiness alive and all the feeling has told
    But somehow now I found everything is growing old"

    is my favorite stanza.

    also the correct wording for
    "But all that I feel is that from now you are no more mine"
    "But all that I feel is that from now on you are no longer mine"

    that just how i see it.

    Oh and ive already rated this poem before

  • 17 years ago

    by JustKristina

    This is another great write. I think that the second stanza, last line doesn't not fit at all. But that is the only thing that i would change about this. otherwise, it is a very good hearttouching poem! keep up the great work! :]

  • 17 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Aww... *tear* .. very sad ending...

    i loved it...flow was good.5/5