Proud To Be

by Alyssa Lauren LaVelle   Nov 27, 2007

How can I stand and be proud of who I am
when my fellow brothers and sisters are beaten down
by political intolerance, religious persecution
my rights I have none
I cannot marry
I cannot adopt
jobs of which I am worthy and able to do are given to others
promotions I deserve are not all
my family disowns me, my friends desert me
how can I be proud, how can I celebrate my life
when so many of my brothers and sisters have fallen
we have been beaten
we have been rejected by society
we have been murdered
our families have been mocked
why should we be proud
we should be proud because
we are daily subjected to torment
and yet our heads are held high

We should be proud because
every time one of us falls
another one rises and flourishes
I am proud to be a lesbian
and you can never take that away from me.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Raine

    Though i am not one i do support gay/lesbians evryone is the same in one way or another and this poem uplifts ur voice to say though your preference is different ur still human... very good one of my favorites =]

  • 17 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    This is a really good poem...I could never be a lesbian,and I do think it is pretty gross and definitely wrong...but I try not to judge people who are like that because I have friends who are either gay,lez,or swing both ways...and they're great people.Very good poem-keep your heads up,hopefully one day people will stop persecuting everybody.