M - Melodies of all songs seemed to be soundless,
Everything seemed exhausting though body had laid to rest.
Y - Yearning for a real love was the language of my heart.
Heart's fully broken and wept through the night.
Cupid felt guilty for the wrong pair he'd struck.
Now he knelt down and pray how to unfasten my heart's lock.
A - An Angel went down to mend my brokenness.
His heart has a power to bring back my cheerfulness.
N- Nature sings with cherubim and seraphim.
My heart finds rest with your lovely, sweetest hymn.
A song that I'd only heard in my dream.
A song of love that can understand only by our hearts.
G - Gratitude for the streamlined technology,
For being the Hermes of our inspired hearts.
You're million miles away, yet your wings of love can touch my soul.
Neither distance nor time can block the ways of our hearts
For real love has wings and as long as you're in,
We'll never be apart.
E - Expressed feelings was whispered by our hearts.
Not by the wicked mind nor by the deceiving lust.
L - Led by your halo's light.
I walked down the church's aisle.
That's my sweetest dream last night.
Saying "I do" to the angel of my life