Didn't Know 'I Love You' Came With A Knife In The Back

by Illl Keep Your Memory Vauge   Nov 27, 2007

Once upon a time,
jealousy hurt,
but now so will I.
I'd love to make you squirm,
as you sit in your seat,
with nothing to say.
I'll make you realize what you've done,
I'm going to take the sun from your sky,
& embody your darkest fears.
I wanted nothing but love,
but I'll have you on your knees.
With fingers clenched,
betrayl makes me want to swing.
A crooked smile can always cover the pain,
don't even try to pull me down.
I refuse to be burried alive with you.
What you see is what you get,
I'll rip your heart out,
like you've done to me soo many times,
I'll submerge the hate,
until I see you again.
Stop lying,
you can't tempt me from six feet down,
this time it'll be you,
face down on the floor,
with my knife in your back.
I'll place a kiss,
on your cold lifeless lips...
while you scream I'm putting you through hell,
but baby,
I'll tell you it's heaven.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    Niice poem awesome job it deserves a 5/5 =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    I really enjoyed reading this one!
    Great job =]