Comments : Liar Liar (Licentia Rhyme)

  • 17 years ago

    by fearose

    This is really well done! You made this style seem really simple. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Lost in Life

    Wow this was amazing and the rhyme scheme seems like it could subtract from the quality but it shows talent that you can make that scheme work..
    i just want to say that sometimes I'll is better put I will and stuff like that
    nice 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Polaroid

    Hmmm. what to say about this one , personaly when i look at a poem that is just blocks of writing it makes me bored, so me personally would make it into smaller stanzas. The poem has a very nice rhyme sceme though, great job on that.
    One more thing i'd like to critisize on, your title. I think that you should just keep your title: liar, Liar instead of putting that stuff in the brackets. Personnaly for me , its the title that makes me read the poem.

    anyways, overall great job, keep it up and mabey find it in your time to read a couple of my poems

    happy holidays

  • 17 years ago

    by Madison

    Its a fuking good poem, the styles amazing i love the words, so descriptive, it deff sets you apart as an individual poet when you write like this

  • 17 years ago

    by Madison

    Its a fuking good poem, the styles amazing i love the words, so descriptive, it deff sets you apart as an individual poet when you write like this

  • 17 years ago

    by Mollie

    Great poem.. i really conected with this one, i know someone just like this... you emphasized all the things i go through too i felt like you were reading my mind, great job... only thing is the end seamed to fall back from all the vocab. you had in the beginning... maybe thats just me.... its still great the way it is though... keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by Diane

    This poem is amazing. Not only is the flow perfect, it tells a heart felt story.

  • 17 years ago

    by mheimhei

    .,great poem.,;]

  • 16 years ago

    by Kaila

    I absolutly loved this poem. The flow was fantastic. The poem really had rhythmatic beat that had me tapping my foot. I really couldn't think of anything to critique on this poem I've been re-reading it trying to think because I hate leaving a poem uncritiqued but I just loved it. Nice work

  • 16 years ago

    by Sarah

    Wow, I love it!

    Its amazing. 5.5

  • 16 years ago

    by pixie

    Really wow....

  • 16 years ago

    by pixie

    Really wow....

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    Very nicely done. I probably could never do this as well. I see it may have been a little difficult in the last stanza, but you came up with a great finish. I wish I had your talent.