
by Beyond Repair   Nov 27, 2007

I'm tired..........
Tired of everything and nothing at the same time
I don't want it to change but if it doesn't I'll die
I hate the way it is but I love the way it's not
I cant control it at all, I cant get me to stop
If I believed maybe I would pray
But I know I cant keep living this way
I have no power over it
It's the way I live my life in general
So sad and hopeless at every moment
And yet I do nothing to bring about change
I'm stuck in the same place with no escape


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  • 15 years ago

    by BrittBaby aka wonderwoman

    I feel like this all the time lol
    great job i loved it


  • 17 years ago

    by ali

    Wow, this is short but soo good! the word choice is just perfect, the flow is great and the whole piece just comes together really well...
    another awesome piece!
    - ali x