My Orchard

by fearose   Nov 27, 2007

My orchard
Where golden sunlight streams amber through clear purple flowers, ivy shimmers like fine, pulled silver threads, and tiny clouds of pollen hover about their vital source.

My orchard
Where my dreams gallop between dappled colts, the sun is shaded by silvery mist, and cold fronts create sweet, hot chocolate in a mug, warm slippers and a comfortable fire.

My orchard
Where glowing bugs with crystalline wings like shattering glass frolic with white wolves, leaves fall all year round but faithful trees are never bare, and I may be without a fear, where my fantasies roam free.

My orchard


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  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    I honestly can't express how much I like this.
    This piece is going to my favorites, it is absolutely amazing. Beauty shines through every line of this fantastic poem. You have great talent.
    Descriptions here left huge impression on me, so flawless and vivid, they brought me to some other world.
    Excellently written poem!