Super Child

by XXXsuicidalgurlXXX   Nov 28, 2007

Never doubt
Never fear
Super child is right here
So wipe your eyes
Close your ears
No one knows that I'm here
Do like every one else
Wish me away
And I'll turn to dust
I'll walk away
To the stars
Where I'm liked no matter how ugly
No matter how cute
But there I'm loved with no kind of distribute
So there I go
One step at a time
No trail
No hope
Nothing left behind
No one there to hug me
I'm left alone to suffer
Shame and all


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  • 16 years ago

    by ThomasBlackburn

    I like it its written nicely but i dont understand the superchild meaning, and how it relates to the second part of the poem, i guess i dont understand it, enlighten me

  • 17 years ago

    by Lemma

    Aww! For a while there I was wondering how it was a sad poem and then it hit me in the 7th line. Very effective. I like the rhyming in this one. But where you say

    "But there I'm loved with no kind of distribute"

    Could "distribute" be changed to "dispute"? Would keep the rhyme and let you lose a syllable so the flow would be 100% tip top.

    Great poem,

    Em xXx