Twisted Lullaby

by omgitsmina   Nov 28, 2007

Just close your eyes and listen
To this twisted lullaby
Just hum along and imagine
All the things that make you cry

With bloodshed and hatred
Animosity mixed with tears
Your friends are your enemies
To love is your greatest fear

Because to let someone near
To let them enter your life
You know that they'll get hurt;
Their existence filled with strife

And the loathing in your heart
Cannot, will not ever fade
Because what you are feeling
Is what your evil deeds have made

Wrath is much too powerful
For you to ever hope to win
So just give up all your control
Let the darkness take hold from within

So just close your eyes and listen
To this twisted lullaby
Just hum along and imagine
All the things that make you cry


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Aaron Martin

    Wow.. thats very deep.. im assuming you went through alot of things that makes you do this?

  • 16 years ago

    by unblue skye

    i don't know how to explain it but...whoa. =] great job....don't know what i can tell you other than that. XD


  • 16 years ago

    by Sidney C

    Isn't it amazing the way we all do exactly what we know will hurt us?

    i think this would make a good song if drawn out a bit more...... or maybe.... it might ruin the simplicity that we seem to find comfort in.... hmmm.... :)

  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    OMGG i love it!! so amazing!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by IchixXxCrushing

    Wonderful job mina. 5/5

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