Broken and Bruised

by fearose   Nov 29, 2007

1 Brother of hate's fine eye
2 Parents of "I could care less"
3 Years of this burning lie
4 Nights of love's caress

Take away this misery
Make them blind to what I see
Guide me through my darkened nights
And help me win these brutal fights

Shattered dreams and battered wings
Take away these haunting things

I'm hopelessly broken and bruised
Trapped in this soul without muse
Kill me now before I break
And take away this body's quake

4 Tears of bitter grace
3 Scars of lost hope
2 Slaps to the face
1 Chance, for this, I cope


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I love this...I find this to be both original and unique in concept, and while filled with so much melancholy it still makes for a beautiful read.

    "Shattered dreams and battered wings
    Take away these haunting things"

    ^^Favourite lines, easily. I don't even know what I could say that would even begin to sum up how I feel about those lines..just beautifully done, and with so much heartfelt emotion that they tug right on my heartstrings.

    The ending was so sad and filled with so much grief and misery and yet so wonderfully was the whole piece.