Can You Take Your Smile Elsewhere?

by Jenni Marie   Nov 29, 2007

False promises dripping from your tainted lips
As you flutter those heavily made up eye lashes
Twirling your hair round your finger casually
As you show that perfect gleaming smile

Don't you know I see through your falsification
Sweetheart, you picked the wrong person to fool
It's so easy to see through your illusory sham
You're just another barbie doll behind the mask

Yet I can't help but laugh as you work your charm
Deceiving every clown unfortunate enough to meet you
Dislike clear in your eyes 'cause you haven't fooled me
I'm thanking my lucky stars your stupidity isn't contagious

You're just another idiotic devil in a false disguise
Out for everything and anything that you can get
Sooner or later, people will wise up to your selfish ways
Tell me darling, who is going to be the fool then?

What's that old saying, revenge is best served cold
Do you think you'll handle it from so many people?
Once they've woken to your insane stories and games
Do you honestly believe you'll still be smiling then?

Wipe away your mask, let us see the repulsive liar
Don't be shy honey, aren't you to old for hide and seek?
No use hiding, I see the mendacious soul underneath
And yet you keep smiling that dazzling, unwanted smile


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  • 17 years ago

    by ShawdowDancer

    Wonderful enjoyed reading it

  • 17 years ago

    by Lisa

    Wow great wrok,abit cynical but its very good imagery and good choice of words
    i liked the word usage
    great work

  • 17 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    Wow, brilliant poem. :D I loved it!

  • 17 years ago

    by fakesmile

    I luv diz poem! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    This poem is excellent, i loved it =]
    It has a very good flow and the choice of wording used was brilliant!
    Great job

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