I cut too deep, it seems
The world is getting dark
The floor is hard as I hit it
There is nothing anymore
I can still feel the throbbing pain
That you had left behind
But it is going numb
As the seconds count down
Till I'm allowed to fly away
If only I could have foreseen
That I would let it go to waste
Something that I was given
Yet not grateful for
I kind of wish that someone
Would find me while I'm still alive
I only wish it was possible
But there is no one who cares
If they did, they would have stopped my doom
No one even thinks of me
I had always lived in this place
Hoping that someone could hear me screaming
From the bottom of my heart
That someone will love me
Or someone wouldn't judge me right away
My parent's were ignorant
It felt as though I was yelling
Yelling at the top of my lungs
Right in front of them right in their ears
But they didn't even look up
The light through my window seems to have dimmed
I guess the light was going out
But I know that the only light that is going out
Is the light in my eyes
The light of life that had started dimming
As soon as I was born
If only I wasn't born
I wouldn't have had to go through this
Pain, grief, hate, love
It's not important anymore
Because my life is gone
I am gone
There is no more. . .