Girls in the books

by SheFlowsThroughMyVeinsLikePosion   Dec 14, 2007

I see myself
i hate what i see
who is this person
staring back at me

why am i like this
why cant i be like that
instead of being beautifull
i'm just plain old fat

i'll never look like them
fuk i wish i could
if there way a way
god knows that i would

i hate every inch
every part of me
i'll never get use to this
what it is i see

the fat on my stomach
the fat on my thighs
i'll tell you i've eaten
but you know it is all lies

i just want to be beautifull
what ever it will take
i'll do anything
although it will be fake

i just want to be
some one else for a day
i want to be pretty
so that i want to stay

a little of my waist line
and a bit of my hips
looking the way i do
really gives me the shts

i wnat to see my self
and i wnat to smile
instead of turning away
running a mile

i want to feel beautifull
in my own skin
instead of this feeling
like looking this way is a sin

i wnat to walk around
with m,y head up high
but i'll sit in the corner
alone and i'll cry

i want to feel comfortable
with each of my looks
i want to be like them
the girls in the books


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