Let me down softly

by Feels Like Ecstacy   Dec 15, 2007

Let me down softly.
Whisper in my ear.
Tell me I mean nothing.
It's nothing but a tear.

Let me down softly,
It's not like I didn't know.
I'm worth no ones time,
I'm nothing but a show.

Let me down softly,
I can't get even more weak.
I lose my stomach to my pain.
It's not you I seek.

Let me down softly,
I'll pretend like I knew.
You led me on in thought,
I should have known how true.

Let me down softly.
It's just another cut on the wrist.
I break free from pain,
You're like an undying mist.

Let me down softly.
I opened up to you.
I hate myself now more then ever.
See what you do?

Let me down softly.
Lie to me as if I wont care.
Pretend I wont be hurt,
Or cut myself in despair.

Let me down softly.


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  • People like to take others for granted as much as it isn't rite and isn't fair they still do it no matter how much it hurts there will be people who do it...there is someone out there for everyone wheather or not you find them rite away don't let your heart go and don't give up try to stay stronge...cutting isn't really the way some may think so but in the wrong run is it really worth it...it don't effect them it only effects you...love your poem though 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    This is soo sad, but so real, but remember ur worth more

  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    That's deep and more clear pain..its Good