F U Love

by Im Not Emo   Dec 15, 2007

Fu** falling in love
Youll never fall back out
All you do is get hurt
Half the time sex is what its all about
They say theres always someone
But damn where did he go?
When ever I think Ive found him
The guy turns out to be a faux
So many stitches Ive gotten
To repair this fricken heart again
All those guys out there
Will never be one of my men
Stressed from all the problems
To many chances given away
No matter what I do
The boy never seems to stay
All those love stories
Are peoples addiction
They are all fiction!
The butterflies, the fireworks
All these people say they feel
But every time I try it
It never seems real
Two words are what most people want
Like I Do
Or maybe the daring three
The I Love You
But heres a simple route
Words to me that are very true
All I want to shout
Is love, Fu** You!


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  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Lol,i totaly like this poem