Comments : Help Me Remember [Lyrics]

  • 17 years ago

    by Bryan

    Hm, tis interesting, it has great flow and perfect grammer as usual with all your poems, you already know its a 5/5!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    This poem was really deep. The words hit my mind and said : Help me remember.

    I could relate to this poem. it was a lovely piece.
    Good Poet. keep it up.

    -Sarah A.

  • 17 years ago

    by MyEscape

    A very interesting style for you. Sometimes it rhymed, sometimes it didn't, but despite the structure of this, I really liked it. Your way of wording things is very good. I like how you think things through and you connect the bridge between metaphors and reality. Let me explain...

    You packed up your heart inside your duffel bag,

    Okay, in that line, he probably really was packing up his bag, but you compared that to the fact his heart was so easy to pack up and take away too. It's just so cool to me how you do that. Anyways, great job!