Castle in the sky

by StonedGooberz   Dec 16, 2007

Sleep within my thoughts tonight
Were in my dreams we'll open the door
To the land of are fairy-tale make pretend
Inside are imaginations we begin to explore

Well dance throughout midsummers day
Well into the cool star-lit midnight
Dancing with the crickets lost in love
Holding are selves close, holding hands tight

I've built you a castle in the sky
And you have they key to my heart
With it we will unlock are intertwined fate
From you I can never really depart

This is not one of my ordinary poems
Being built out of my soul, and what we've been through
B/c from the light till things turn dark again
I Weslee tell you Kim, that I love you


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  • 16 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    Beautiful. such a sweet imaginery; the poem is so tender, full of love.
    in this poem you connect the reality with "castles in the sky".
    i mean 1st stanza is abt sky and this picture seems to be like a dream,
    then you go to "midsummers day" and "starlit midnight" that are more real but still very abstract;
    then you talk about your heart and your love that are real;
    and in the last stanza you write about a poem that we all see so it's the most real thing for readers.
    it's a nice strucure to make a reader feel what you feel.
    of course the wording is great.

    awwww i can't help saying the most banal phrase ever "awwww this is so sweet" lol

    ok and i hope this connection between sky castles=dreams and reality meand that your dreams have came into reality.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni

    This was such a touching and romantic poem. The title itself made me want to read more. When I did, I was not disappointed. It describes such an amazing love. 5/5

  • It was okay, but was it really from your heart? and im not trying to drive you crazy or anything but i dont belive u really ment it. and i agree with beth, it doesnt have to rhyme.

  • 17 years ago

    by No one

    That's really good Wes, but not all poetry has to rhyme, in some lines it sounds like you're just struggling to get a rhyme in.

    I think it would flow better if it didn't rhyme, but that's my personal opinion, 'tis your poem =)

    Beautiful though, 5/5

    P.s You won't hear from me for a while, I'm off to England with school. I come back thursday!

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