Awesome Day; Perfect Ending

by K3LS3Y   Dec 17, 2007

I haven't seen you in so long
So when I finally do
So many feelings come rushing back
When I look at you

We talk for so long, catching up
On what's been happening
Friends and family, school and dates
All the normal things

We walk around, and sit and talk
Pretty much just have a blast
But like every awesome day
It just doesnt last

It's getting cold
Cuz we're outside; and darkness is descending
Our day together's almost over
We need a perfect ending

I have to go, you hug me tight
And tell me that you'll miss me
I lick my lips, and look up at you
Hoping that you'll kiss me

You stare for so long, in my eyes
And finally make a move
Your lips, your tongue, your soothing breath
You got me in the mood

You pull me closer, hold me tight
Like you'd never let go
You mage today, an awesome day
And I think you should know

Once we're done, you pull away
And we say our last goodbyes
You turn your back, and walk away
Not once looking in my eyes

We stay just close friends
That's all we were; that's all we'll ever be
But I'll never forget that day
And how happy you made me


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  • 17 years ago

    by you will never forget me

    This is probably my favorite.
    It's absolutely perfect.
    I love the flow of words. It's
    amaaazzzzing. <3 =]