The Father You Never Had to Be

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Dec 18, 2007

I take out the brochure -
Termination of Pregnancy Aftercare.
Yeah, it's been months since
I gave up my child for you,
But it doesn't make it hurt any less.
That was my baby -
OUR baby.
But no use in crying now, right?
It's done, gone, dead.
I'll never know if it was a boy
Or a beautiful little girl.
Do you ever think about it?
Do you ever wonder
What our baby would've looked like?
Who our baby would've taken after?
I think about it often.
Do you know that
I would've been just over
Six months pregnant now?
Our baby would be due
In a couple of months or so.
I smile at the thought,
But it's always interrupted
By the tears that follow.
Why did I do it?
Why did I give up my baby?
Because you asked me to.
And because I loved you enough to.
So I raise my glass to you in a toast,
Here's to the father
You never had to be...



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  • 16 years ago

    by me

    Thats so sad no women should have to go through lossing a baby planned or naturally

    it's good writing