The Window

by TrUtH hUrTs   Dec 18, 2007

Sunlight reaches crookedly,
Into the empty window seat
Flecking the dust covered panes
Through which she used to peep
She would sit here often,
That little girl with the curly hair...
There was something unsettling about her eyes
A disturbing, almost brutal silence..
She would wait.

The sound of gravel,
The click of the door
Come here baby , daddy's home
Her lips tightened and she tried to say
Mommy .. I .. daddy
No, No
She could not speak
Daddy was not always like this
She would tell her self
Maybe the old daddy would come back

Ah princess I love you the most.. he would whisper
More than I love mommy
Let me kiss you like a movie star
Just let daddy love you
He would hurt her, but she couldnt cry
Again and again and again
She would close her eyes..
Wrapped in that unsettling calm
That brutal silence..

Time went by
One season fusing into the next
She would still sit there sometimes
Till the neon lights framed her face
One day she broke her stupor
Her pale face naked with emotion..
She whispered fiercely ...
No more, no more.. She muttered
I will have no more daddy

The next day the face was gone
The morning did not miss her
That little girl with the curly hair...
And no one noticed,
as a hand reached out
and closed the window forever....


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    I loved the mysteriousness in this poem it was wonderful and you truly did a good job with this one. The vacab was good but there were a few places that I thought the wrong word was used for example: first stanza line 5 the word would I think should be used but im not sure on what you were trying to say

  • 17 years ago

    by Kalee

    This is a wonderfully written poem. the wording was wonderful. the only little mistakes i could see were "but she coulcould cry" & "daddy�¢??s home" where you need to take out the "?¢??". other than that this is a wonderful poem. 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by chind

    this was a very touching and sad poem.
    i could imagine the whole thing in my head.
    the word choice was good
    and i love how it was ended

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Gosh!!! very touchy... its marvelous and fantastic!! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by kate

    This peom was well spoken out i could picture it happening its really sad and very dark, i dont understand how someone could do that to their own child you know thats so messed up. :| i dont get it sometimes theres so many weirdos out there that like to do that and dont realized whats happening. but anyways amazing job.

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.