They Brought Him Home In A Body Bag

by Jenni Marie   Dec 18, 2007

She's standing at the window, tears pooling in her aqua colored eyes
Choking back bitter sobs as she remembers their heart wrenching goodbye
Fingers pressed against the window pain, face a deathly shade of white
Her whole world crumbling down around her, nothing will ever be alright

Seems only yesterday her baby was sent away, in reality it was months ago
Time seeming to have slowed down, every night passing by so slow
Cradling his carefully written letters, glaring at the words "when I come home"
He was supposed to return next week, now she'll always be alone

His beautiful gleaming smile painted in her mind, driving her slowly insane
She can't cope anymore, she wasn't prepared for this horrendous pain
Her heart is breaking into pieces, tears have become her new best friend
Every day is the same, wondering when the hurt will finally end

Wishing every moment it was someone else who was sent away
For if it were, her world would still be in colour instead of murky grey
Dark circles under her eyes, unkempt appearance displaying her stress
Sitting silently, tears like an angry river; no time for food or rest

Glaring up into the Heavens, each and every day asking God why
"Why did you take him away from me, why did he have to die?"
Her whole world shattered, for her true love was sent away to Iraq
Only the unthinkable happened, the brave soldier never made it back.

**For A Contest**


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  • 16 years ago

    by Robert

    This was a very heart felt poem with alot of descriptions throughout it. The reader could really get wrapped up in this was nicely done Plot121

  • 16 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Sorry, my example is messed up...So here it is again:

    Ok, like I said in a lot of your poems, the lines in the stanzas are too long. (But that's just my opinion.) Perhaps breaking it into shorter stanzas would help the overall structure as well as the flow of the poem.

    For example:

    She's standing at the window,
    Tears pooling in her aqua colored eyes.
    Choking back bitter sobs as she remembers
    Their heart wrenching goodbye.

    Fingers pressed against the window pain,
    Face a deathly shade of white.
    Her whole world crumbling down around her,
    Nothing will ever be alright.

  • 16 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Ok, like I said in a lot of your poems, the lines in the stanzas are too long. (But that's just my opinion.) Perhaps breaking it into shorter stanzas would help the overall structure as well as the flow of the poem.

    For example:

    She's standing at the window,
    Tears pooling in her aqua colored eyes.
    Choking back bitter sobs as she remembers Their heart wrenching goodbye.

    Fingers pressed against the window pain, Face a deathly shade of white.
    Her whole world crumbling down around her, Nothing will ever be alright.

    Overall a great write from a great poet. Keep up the good work.

    Peace, Joe

  • 16 years ago

    by Jaymes Haze

    My, my.
    My favorite one of yours so far.
    It tells a story that is oh so real to many women today.

    It was great and poetic.

  • 16 years ago

    by Vanessa

    Sadly moving, again perfectly flawless, you have done wonders with your work, this is truly the kind of poem that makes me want to cry, but it makes me think as well The flow was perfect, the emotion was strong, and deep, I loved this one the best out of the ones that I have read today, your talented and i think that your writting will take you far someday. Don't ever stop writting. 5/5

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