The Dark Place In My Head

by Jenni Marie   Dec 18, 2007

What would you do if you knew what I were thinking?
That sometimes I imagine your blood splattered all around me?
That I visualize the many different ways to murder you
Without feeling any pangs of regret or remorse?

Would you be terrified these thoughts have stayed hidden
That they've never been conveyed through my calm exterior?
That I can stare at you with nothing but love in my eyes
While underneath all I want to do is reach out and choke you

Seems you've managed to turn me into a chameleon
You've never had a clue about all the rage I feel inside
Every time I look in your deceiving eyes it turns my stomach
And yet I'm still so easily able to smile brightly at you

One day, I promise you'll pay for all that you have done
For making me love you, and then running into her arms
What would you do if you knew what thoughts ran in my mind?
If you knew about the dark place where voices talk in my head?

**For A Contest**


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  • 16 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    This was an amazing poem! It left me completely speechless! You have a lot of talent! The imagery and emotion were so strong. You took so much pain and sadness and put it into a great piece of writing, and the flow was pretty good! Keep up the amazing work

  • 16 years ago

    by Nix

    Very unique and powerful, you expressed your emotions, frustration and rage on a truly excellent way. Rhythm of whole poem is effective and intense and every stanza is filled with so many different feelings. I enjoyed while I was reading this poem, it shows that you are very talented and atmosphere that you created in it is deep and captivating. I really love this piece.

  • 16 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Wow... This is different from anything I've read before. Greatly written poem, so original and filled with emotions that I could actually feel while I was reading it. You managed to create such effective and intense atmosphere from the beginning to the end. Truly powerful.
    My favorite stanza is:

    -What would you do if you knew what I were thinking?
    That sometimes I imagine your blood splattered all around me?
    That I visualize the many different ways to murder you
    Without feeling any pangs of regret or remorse?-

    Keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by Lecrissa

    Very creepy had to read it twice is was so good. I don't genrealy like dark poems but you managed to pull me in and want to keep reading. Well done.....L.S. Moore

  • 16 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    This was an amazing piece. and i really liked the wording of your poem. .itz dark. but alluring. these 4 stanzas say so much. i been through this. but a difference [big difference] is that i dont wanna kill him. im just stuck on him. "/ but this poem was simple amazing. so amazing to the point where i cant even BEGIN to describe how great i think it is. :] 5/5.

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