Ordinary piece

by Summer   Dec 18, 2007

Just a face in the crowd
A raindrop in the sea
A newly born leaf
clinging to a tree

Just another girl
just another face
just a mark a pencil made
soon to be erased

A star in nights sky
shadowed by the moon
passion in a life
taken way too soon

A single grain of sand
in a desert oh so vast
one picture in the many
that are tainted by the past

A floating flake of snow
a victim to the wind
a girl with virgin eyes
living under sin

I am nothing in the end
was noting from the start
just a speck of splattered paint
in this worthless work of art


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by supratim

    just too beautiful.! I can see my thoughts in this poem. 10/10

  • 15 years ago

    by The Undoing

    Just reread this
    still love it, thank you.

  • 16 years ago

    by claire

    Oh my gosh i love this all the metaphors are brilliant and thats exactly how i always feel about my value in the world! i especially like the pencil mark metaphor - not sure exactly why, but its definitely very original.

  • 17 years ago

    by The Undoing

    Loved it.
    It was fantastic, I really feel for you, but this was an awesome piece of work.
    Congrats, but remember, live life for you.