Comments : One

  • 17 years ago

    by Christina

    Awwz i rele liike it its cute!!! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Miu

    Awww this must be the cutest poem I have read! So pure love just aww something so innocent. Really loved it! Flow was perfect and I liked how you didn't have any dots giving to reader the freedom to read like he/she would like.
    Amazing wording!
    5/5 Keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Krysten

    I LOVE IT!!! (singsongy voice) this is a ver beutiful poem, tho i feel it fell a little short there towrds the end. anyways good poem...i can relate to this one as well.

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    A beautiful poem with amazing flow.
    and i really liked this stanza.

    "Because a second with you feels like an eternity in heaven
    Never would I want to leave such a sweet blessing
    You have stolen my heart and you have it forever
    You take away the hurt and pain, you always make it better"


  • 17 years ago

    by Nikki

    Good job.this was cute =)))

  • 17 years ago

    by TrUtH hUrTs

    But now the day is ending and you must go
    My happiness is being taken away and I feel so low
    But only for a night for a new day is to appear
    Knowing that you will be there takes away all the fear
    ..these lines i really liked.. but was not too fond of u melting like butter.. that sort of stuck out like a thorn in an otherwise nicely put togehter piece of work..keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by Crystal Gaze

    This is breathtaking.
    Very beautiful and well written. The rymthes were lovely and the piece still held great emotions.

    'Sweet hellos and sad goodbyes
    Every time you leave I cant help but to cry
    Strong emotion surfaces in my heart
    As I realize that we are now to be apart'
    ^ This was a captivating way to start it off,
    it was quite lovely.

    'Because a second with you feels like an eternity in heaven
    Never would I want to leave such a sweet blessing
    You have stolen my heart and you have it forever
    You take away the hurt and pain, you always make it better'
    ^this stanza stuck out at me the most, i could really relate to it, as I feel the same way about my boyfriend<3.

    'Youre my prince my world my life
    Without you i know everything would be a strife
    Because youre the beat to my heart and the breath to my lungs
    I cant live without you, we are one'
    ^This ending was penned flawlessly, it was well chosen for a conclusion.And really made me smile.

    Excellent job,

  • 17 years ago

    by Christina

    Awwwz another great poem....i rele love the flow of the poem...and i can relate to the feelings in it!! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    This is really captivating and impressive i love the way how really put ur emtotions here it is really sweet more this lines.....

    Youre my prince my world my life
    Without you i know everything would be a strife
    Because youre the beat to my heart and the breath to my lungs
    I cant live without you, we are one

    i really love that line! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Oh My this was just beautiful! I loved every word and every line! The first line just captured my attention and I was curious to read more. The beauty in which you wrote with was just amazing andI was hooked. The flow was flawless and nothing seemed forced. This has to be my fave poem by you. Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by xxTaegan Emilyxx

    This is a heaps good poem. I love the flow, its easy to raed through and not get lost!

    ''You have stolen my heart and you have it forever
    You take away the hurt and pain, you always make it better''
    i really liked these lines, im not sure why but they stood out to me.

    I think that it is a very emotional poem. It was very powerful and got the message across quite clear.
    Taegan Emily

  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    This is leaps and bounds in front of the other piece I've read of yours.

    It has a solid flow to it all the way through - it sets the pace for the reader forcing them from one stanza to the next gracefully.
    The rhyme structure is simple yet very effective, the word choice isn't complicated to the point of arrogance and not too simple to sound contrite.

    As in your previous poem, you have really gone all out with it and left nothing on the proverbial shelf, you gave it all and it seems to be written straight from the heart. That has a lot to be said for it.

    You do have a few teency little grammar errors ...

    2nd stanza 3rd line needs a comma after "sweet"
    last stanza first word needs an apostrophe in the "Youre" - same in the 3rd line.

    Overall it's a very enjoyable piece to read. Definitely well worthy of the 5 I must surely give it.


  • 17 years ago

    by Hidden1

    That made me teary eyed. I like this so much. You know what, I only wish I can have someone think of me the way that you feel about this person. So sweet, I hope you guys are still in love.

  • 16 years ago

    by hadia

    Ohh. myyy. goosh.
    i absolutly love this one! i am gonna add it to my favorites(: ..if thats okk.

  • 16 years ago

    by noha

    I realy love it specialy when you say:You have stolen my heart and you have it forever
    You take away the hurt and pain, you always make it better
    wawwww so sweet

  • 16 years ago

    by StuPiD FrEaK

    This is soo cute and very sweet.
    Every line is well-expressed.
    Keep it up!
    You're doing great poems and I think you have the talent!

  • 16 years ago

    by The Queen

    Genuine words from the heart...very well expressed, cute and sweetly done...Good Job..

  • 16 years ago

    by Darien

    "Every time you leave I cant help but to cry"
    This line did not flow very well. Take out 'to', and it will have a much better flow.

    "Strong emotion surfaces in my heart"
    Again, another line you can change to help the flow. Try, "Strong emotions surface in my heart"

    "As I realize that we are now to be apart"
    I did not like this line at all. It really read wrong for me. Try "I realize now that we are to be apart"

    "But only for a night for a new day is to appear"
    Take out 'for'

    Ok, there are a lot of things I didn't like about this poem. First of all, you desperately need to add punctuation to this piece. There are two pauses in this piece. You need to add comas, periods and apostrophes. This will all help your reader understand your poem.

    Second, there were some really cheesy rhymes, 'another' and 'butter'. Really, there are so many other words you could have used.

    Third, your flow. It was off and on throughout the poem. You sort of managed to get it back after the third verse.

    You have a lot of editting to do with this piece, in MY opinion. It's up to you if you take my advice or not. I'm just trying to help you to be a better writer.

    The contents of this poem however, were very sweet, romantic and passionate. That element you have down to a tee. You just need to work on the structuring of your poem. Together, they create wonderful poetry.

    Thanks for the read.

  • 16 years ago

    by Lima Pappa

    Liked it a lot. keep them comming girl!

  • 16 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    That was a good read, it's very sweet. The last line was really strong. using the last line/word as the title is great. It adds up the the total beauty of the poem in my opinion. Anyway keep up the good work.