Depression is My Name

by heXcompletesXme   Dec 19, 2007

My name use to be Allie,
But that was before.
Depression has taken over,
Leaving nothing else more.

I don't know how this came about,
But I don't feel anything now.
I just want to be left alone,
And hope I'll get better some how.

No one can help me.
And no one tries.
Everyone ignores me.
They ignore my cries.

No one understands,
Not even myself.
But people worry.
They worry about my health.

Depression is my new name.
And everyone knows it too.
I walk alone so quietly,
And no one asks who?

One day I'll be better,
I know it's true.
My name will be Allie again.
and someone else will suffer too.

Depression is cruel and mean.
People shouldn't ever feel it.
It should go unseen.

But those who know who depression is,
Know how to treat it.
With nothing , nothing at all.
All u can do is wait and sit.


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  • 17 years ago

    by nettie

    I know how u feel...I come from a hatin family, to a dead uncle...r.I.p uncle, to my love life down da freaken drain..n my life really sucks...instead of cryin druin da day I cry at night, instead of eatin i brin it to my room n throw it away...I try cuttin bt I realize it ddnt shyt for me...I try ti write my depressing poems bt it jst won't let me...I end up cryin n deletin da hole thing

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