Theres enough skin

by Andree   Dec 19, 2007

In her bed. With dead arms weighing her down. Those tiny monsters so heavy. So strong. Like first words. And last ones. Or everything in between that makes either matter. Telling the stories in raw alarms. Woken up to nothing. And everyone. Broken metaphors. The pencil too close to the paper. The moment too deep inside her. They're gone, but still there.

Prominent fables turn lessons learned back on the teacher. Saviors with hollow hands try to catch her.

She finally stops counting. She knows there's skin enough even without the bones.


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  • 16 years ago

    by abullettotheheart

    This flowed really well :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Manish

    I agree with all the previous comments made. I don't know exactly what you were referring to, but I am sure the purpose was immaculately done.

  • 16 years ago

    by Skyfire

    I'm not sure i understand, but i really loved the words you used to explain. Beautiful language.

  • 17 years ago

    by Solus

    Hmm...quite good. I like the structure of it.

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