Comments : Unlike Me (390)

  • 17 years ago

    by Colton

    Oh wow, that is so good... ^.^

  • 17 years ago

    by Lemonbread

    Okay, let me just try and hold my joyness for this GREAT poem. I'm trying not to swear, this is a great great really good poem and I love it to bits cause I can relate to it. You put my feelings into words and let me say in the most childish way...

  • 16 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a sad poem. I can feel your pain.

    I'm dying while I'm smiling
    And you're living, never giving
    Never crying, always seeing
    Never trying, always lying
    Unlike me.

    It is hard in any relationship when it is always the same person giving and the other just taking everything and not giving anything in return. This stanza says it all so well.
    Good job!
    Take care Cindy