Lost Life

by KJ   Dec 20, 2007

The fatherless child sits and waits
Waits for the pain to leave and for happiness to take hold
Left lonely, deserted and cold

Going through life without family or love
Love to consume heart
Now she doesnt believe in anything, not even the ONE above

Never will she be able to let anyone in
In her guarded and secluded world
For the fear of being in love, and then being left again

How could she possibly be able to trust?
Trust when all she has known is betrayal
She will now always be a prisoner to the fear of love

Held captive in a dark and miserable place
A place where mocking demons live
They fill her head with thoughts of suicide and fill her heart with hate

But the illusions in her head soon become too much to bear
To bear all of these intense emotions that cannot be explained
She cant take all of the criticism from the world, she cant take all the stares

So she takes the advice of her fellow demon friends
Friends that tell her to just end it all, the pain and heartache
She takes the gun and put it to her brain, pulls the trigger and it all ends

PaSsIoNaTe kIsSeS


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Very well written dark poem

  • 15 years ago

    by P00ki3B3ar

    Great flow so sad =( but beautiful

    "But the illusions in her head soon become too much to bear
    To bear all of these intense emotions that cannot be explained
    She cant take all of the criticism from the world, she cant take all the stares"

    this was my favorite i love how you put this beautiful 5/5

  • 15 years ago


    Never will she be able to let anyone in
    In her guarded and secluded world
    For the fear of being in love, and then being left again

    i love that part i can relate so much to this poem. look at ur ratings lol 5/5 enough said great poem.

  • 15 years ago

    by WakingFreedom

    An emotional piece, amazing flow, rightfully written.
    This piece of poetry is 5/5. Wow.
    I am speechless and I am wowed big time. Thank you for this awesome write.

  • 16 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    Well now it's a 3 line per stanza structure. You really like to experiment on things :) well that's good. If you do a lot of different things you'll really improve in the future. Keep up the good work.