Those stupid things i do...

by Steven   Dec 21, 2007

I trip in front of you
while walking toward you
i drop your books of yours
when I'm staring at you
I spill my food on you
when I'm thinking about you
I give you the wrong answer for you
when I'm trying hard just for you
I forget cash when i go watch a movie with you
when I don't want to be late to be with you
I try my best to cook just for you
when I see you only with crackers and carrot sticks
I forget things at home when I'm with you
when I'm want the chance to see you smile and laugh\
i try my best to act really cute for you
when you are sad and bored
i try my best to give you cute looking gifts for you
when valentine arrived at are footsteps
i try all my stupid things just for you
when deep down i'm really in love with you


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  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Damn... it's very charming and very cute to read this. U r good writer! I'll check your more soon!

  • 17 years ago

    by June

    Its so sweet.

  • 17 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    Kinda rough,but ya get the point...cute.