A Tribute to Mom

by Mandy   Dec 21, 2007

You've always been there for me
When everything was going wrong
You taught me how to talk
And taught me my first song.

You taught me how to say your name
And cried each day that I got older
When I was sick or tired
You let me sleep upon your shoulder.

If I was ever cold
You tried your best to keep me warm
You let me sleep in your bed
When I was scared during a storm.

You helped me take my babys teps
And dressed me every day
You taught me of our Savior
And showed me the right way.

You helped me build my first snoman
When it actually snowed
You put up with all my crap
Because I know I was a load.

You helped me with my homework
Even the stuff you didn't know
You taught me how to cross stitch
And you taught me how to sow.

I know I've made you mad sometimes
And I know I've made you cry
I know you dread the day i get older
Of the fear of saying goodbye.

You taught me how to wrap presents
And to finish it with a bow
And at every single birthday
It's like ready, set, don't go.

If I never had your pointers
I don't know how I'd get through
I guess what I"m trying to say
Is mommy, I love you!

i know its kinda stupid.
but this is what i wrote my
mom for christmas b/cause
i didnt know what to but
her so yeahhh.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Trishalynn

    OMG!! Im with holly it brought tears to me eyes. i relate to!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by xo kisses xo

    Awww thats so cuteee!

  • 17 years ago

    by Holly

    Omg that poem is soo good i cried readin it cuz i can totally relate good job man