Comments : Confessions of a confused soul

  • 17 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Hi Rhea,

    It does seem that way sometimes, doesn't it?
    From a complete stand still being thrown into a rapid... Life is an endless circle and the only way to step out is to do what your heart tells you to do. Then you can return to who you really are. Forget all the things that you have been told and listen to that little voice deep inside of you. The more you do that, the louder it will speak and it never lies. We all have our individual truth and our unique path. You are a clever girl..I am sure you will find yours too.



  • 17 years ago

    by Elapsed

    This was such an intense read, full of strong emotions and feelings.

    "I once knew right where I was going
    and just how I was planning to get there
    but now I'm confused about what I want,
    where I'm headed and how I'm to get there
    all I know is what I hope to have once I'm there."

    The entire piece was sad though a joy to read. I absolutely loved this stanza as it was so easy to relate to. I believe allot of people go thought these emotions, though you have worded it very nicely.. well done Rhea.