What if I told you

by andre   Dec 22, 2007

What if I told you.....
you were the only one that held the key to my heart?
I wanted to tell you from the start
I think about you every day
and I cant stop because there is no possible way
what if I told you......
that I don't have the guts to tell you I love you?
that is because if you don't i would feal so blue
I'm going to tell you now so here I go
I'm in love with you and I don't want that to go
what if I told you......
that you are perfect in every way?
and I will tell you that every day
what if I asked you.......
if you felt the same
and now I can say that I'm glad this moment came.

(I just woye stuff down nothing special. so its not like the other ones. kinnda)


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  • 17 years ago

    by xxrachxx

    Awwww really good poem
    nice job writin down your feelings

  • 17 years ago

    by thegirltheydontsee

    This is a good poem and i have a few sugg. but send me a message that u got this cuz my sugg are long..not really juat long to explain..

  • 17 years ago

    by thegirltheydontsee

    Sp in line 8,
    again its a good poem

  • 17 years ago

    by fakesmile

    You know... therez alwayz that question...
    "what if?" dat makez us wonder if itz worth takin a risk with no assurance that thingz will ever be the same if u told sum1 u like them and not sure if they like u back.. i luv diz poem! luv it! luv it! luv it!

  • 17 years ago

    by fakesmile

    You know... therez alwayz that question...
    "what if?" dat makez us wonder if itz worth takin a risk with no assurance that thingz will ever be the same if u told sum1 u like them and not sure if they like u back.. i luv diz poem! luv it! luv it! luv it!