Always Yours

by Eponine   Dec 22, 2007

It doesn't matter anymore,
That my wings are lying damaged,
Upon the cold, damp floor.

It was you who slit them.
From my once perfect stature,
Depriving my invalid figure of flying,


You assassinated my wings,
Impaired my precious soul,
My pride,
All that I am. All that I was.

My corpse. Lost. Feeble. Dead.
Drained out life source.
Adrenaline failing to run through,
My disappointed veins.

I felt the pain long ago,
Once when you loved her.
I never did blame you.
But I blame you now.

Us. Playing a distressing battle,
I sliced through your flesh. You bled.
In return you wounded my soul.

An eye for an eye
I guess?
Not quite.

Your satanic dagger pierced EVERYTHING.
My silent heart smashed into miniscule minuscule|_
How did you let it get this far??!!
I lied. I saved my opinion of importance.
You denuded me!

I lie helpless now, dry, and desperate.
I crave to feel pain, angst EVERYTHING!
Yet I feel nothing!?

Worst part: I FEEL nothingness
Tearlessness, emptiness,
As one.

Needing a way out.
Reaching for the light, which doesn't exist anymore.

Suffocated by your sweet sour words.
On and on�¢?�¦ they twirl
In my mind.

Frozen by your slender touch,
Not my choice... yours...

Always yours...


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