Comments : Laments and Impressions

  • 17 years ago

    by Nix

    Mind-blowing! Breath-taking masterpiece! WOW!

    Every word of this poem puts me in awe! I am mesmerized with your astounding writing skills. Well done! You should be absolutely proud on your poetry and this piece deserves much more than 5/5.

    -Walking down the streets on Monday night
    gets me high on emotional impressions,
    in this town of dying dreamers and zealots.-

    ^Every word of last line is just craved in my mind, with such power. I love this stanza! It is so vivid and every word is perfectly picked. So deep and intense, it made me say, wow...

    -I get curious glances from complete strangers
    cause the beats that follow my footsteps are
    too loud; no one understands pure magic
    that I carry around lulled in the left pocket,
    still waiting to meet the eyes of persona
    who'll recognize rhythms that blaze within me.-

    ^Beautiful, I am without words, just beautiful...

    -Coldness wraps around trees and lampposts
    pursuing cheap luminaries that slowly blink;
    town church's dressed up like caricature of casino
    captured within decorative misinterpretation.
    I'm warming up my frozen intellect, trying not to
    disgust from artificial sweetener that replaced Christmas.-

    ^Message that you told here is so good and you told it on incredible way. This amazing lines are mixture of very strong, excellently expressed, emotions and effective, clear imagery. All in all totally impressing...


  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    I was a little confused to be honest
    a lot of words I had no idea what they meant
    but the poem from what I knew was good
    and the flow was right on

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    OH MY GOSH. I LOVE this! this is incredible. both original and unique in concept, and the opening stanza is so powerful that the reader is instantly hooked and can't help but continue reading. your imagery in this is BEAUTIFUL! i don't think i could find the words to say how much i love your use of imagery in this piece. your flow was perfect throughout the poem and each stanza was better than the last! i used to despise non rhyming poetry, but between you and Britt, i am now hooked on it and can't get enough. beautiful work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tammie

    An amazing poem you've written, here. The imagery stood out so much in this poem to me, you created it so vividly in my mind as I read with clear descriptions and detailed vocabulary. Emotion is strong and evident especially in the last stanza, which, although short, it was my favourite. You wrote on a very honest topic, and held a lot of meaning in your words. I love the message it holds, I completely agree, and it left a lasting impression on me. To me, that is a sign of excellence because it doesn't happen often when I finish a poem. Truely amazing write.
    5/5 this deserves so much more.


  • 17 years ago

    by Jason Meres

    *smiles, half to himself.* There seems to be very little left to say. You've attracted quite the fan club. :) What I can say is that you spoke to me very directly through these words. I fear your intentions are far more honorable, far grander, and far more complex than my interpretations, but even so, I take something special away with me. And i'm very grateful for that.

  • 17 years ago

    by lisabrighteyes

    I love the way you see things!
    and how beautifully you put it into words!
    10/5 lol =)

  • 17 years ago

    by AlaSkA

    Very well written .
    this portrays a loss of humanism through/around christmas, (my personal interpretation)



  • 17 years ago

    by MissSideways

    Wow! that's fantastic! And sadly, so very true. But that's the way the world leans now. Stripped of all it's true meaning and replaced with superfluous ideas. As long as some can bring light to an issue that most brush off as modernisation. more like commercialisation... keep writing, you're inspirational!
    dani x

  • 17 years ago

    by Solus

    In time may you find what you seek...... remember not the lost, those left behind and those who've wander past our eyes.

  • 17 years ago

    by Keith

    Very good and very different, good job, thanks for commenting me btw :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Keith

    Very good and very different, good job, thanks for commenting me btw :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Quietly Versed

    First let me say that this poem is very good. I love imagery of "Coldness wraps around trees and lampposts pursuing cheap luminaries that slowly blink;"
    Rhythm could be improved, however, the content in this poem removes the need. Often the writer must chose between content and rhythm; I believe that you made a good choice to ere on the side of content in this one.
    Now as far as the greater meaning. Was this a poem about individual disgust for religion as a whole, but more particularly the misrepresentation of the christmas holiday. The speaker seems alone because everything around him carries with it a facade, and maybe, just maybe the magic lulled in his left pocket is actually honesty. And that honesty is the very entity that makes individuals around the speaker uncomfortable with his presence/ loudness of his footsteps. please reply by pm

  • 16 years ago

    by Darien

    See, I like poems like these. Where it's more or less, a telling of a story, or telling of an experience.

    This was an interesting one. Definitely different from the last one I read, which shows how talented you are.

    The intro and outro to this poem, really highlighted the title of the poem. Which I thought was sort of catchy. Like your other poem. Good titles, and very nice writes.