The Weakness of Guilt

by Ciao Bella   Dec 22, 2007

I dont know why I care,
Maybe I dont want it to happen again,
Months of guilt,
Of what I did,
How I made someone feel,
I am weak now,
What happened,
Didnt make me stronger,
I thought it would,
But it only made me question,
My friends,
My life,
The world,
Was it all just a nightmare of chaos,
I wasted my strength,
Not physical strength,
But emotional,
Thats what my weakness is,
I cant let it go.


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  • 16 years ago

    by she

    Months of guilt,
    Of what I did,
    --this made my heart...drop
    i can relate to your words so much

    Thats what my weakness is,
    I cant let it go.
    --so powerful, and incredibly true,
    great great ending

  • 17 years ago

    by robin milford

    Great poem I enjoyed this one. I don't know what u did that u have this guilt but guilt can eat u up from inside out. So whatever it is I would work on forgiving yourself and I believe write out the problem is an excellent start. If u need to talk to someone I am here for u just message me.

  • 17 years ago

    by WordsHurt

    "Was it all just a nightmare of chaos,"
    i think at the end of this sentence you should have a question mark instead of a comma. :]
    It was a good poem .. but i think you should make it longer.. and the flow was a bit rocky..
    also like temps said dont forget to add your apostrophes[sp?]
    Nice poem

    Keep Smiling