Comments : If the world was a stage

  • 17 years ago

    by Namida

    Very well written. I particularly liked this passage,

    "I made myself a script,
    And believed my character well,
    But in the end it is just pretend,
    A self created hell."

    Wonderful job. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    Wow what a fantastic concept. Loved every paragraph, rythm was slightly off but apart from that excellent. merry christmas. xox

  • 17 years ago

    by iloveHIMonly

    Gosh, your very good at poetry.
    you have a gift.:)
    don't let it go to waste.
    Keep up the great poems.
    I enjoy reading them



  • Thank you so much dear. Have you read my "night of passion"? It is my mix of romance and and erotic poem in one. I consider it to be the closest thing I have to a masterpiece. thanks for your comment again.... they always make me smile.

  • 17 years ago

    by meandhim080307

    Okay, you caught my attention right from the start with the title. as i read into the poem, my interest was just as strong. i thought it was great, once again you have written a wonderful piece. youve got an amazing talent. 5*5 from me : )

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    Nice Poem...5/5..

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Very interesting and creative write.
    I like your descriptions, they're truly great and very vivid. Whole idea for this poem is good, and some thoughts in it are very clever. Metaphors and whole atmosphere are truly good.
    My favorite stanza is:

    -I made myself a script,
    And believed my character well,
    But in the end it is just pretend,
    A self created hell.-

    Keep up!