
by Tiiffaanyy   Dec 23, 2007

Maybe there's something more...
and maybe it just took time for the wings on this dream to soar...
maybe it was all meant to be...
and maybe there will be a you and me...
maybe all it took was another push of comfort to get to where we are...

Maybe things will work out the way i wanted them to...
and maybe it was just all up to you...
maybe it was the work of a great man from above..
and maybe it was always love..

But then again...

Maybe you just say what i wanna hear...
and maybe you just like to see me in tears...
maybe it's just a cycle of what you do...
to try make people fall in love with you...

Maybe you like to build me up just to see me fall...
and be along in these empty halls...
maybe you just don't really care...
but then why do you sweet talk me if no feeling are actually there?...

and maybe i just have to believe what i feel inside...
and give my dreams wings to fly...


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  • 17 years ago

    by I Rita Valentine I tell u the truth rite now...i am really jealous that u can make such wonderfull poems ><

  • 17 years ago

    by MyMuse

    That one made me was verry good...just fly across the waters and never let no guy or someone just take you down, just believe with all your heart...ok? People will love you, it doenst have to be sex love it just has to be someoen that loves you for all you are...a friend...always there...<3