Untitaled- but one of my best writes!

by jessica   Dec 23, 2007

She has the gleam of hope in her eyes,
but has the face of dequeues.

she did it and everybody knew it,
but yet she denied it.

she killed her, and didn't care,
she thought it was only fear.

she doesn't see, how bad this could be.

it was her sister, but she missed her,
but is was indeed the daughter of the minister.

today she lyes in her one room cell,
wondering 'what the hell?'

wondering how things got that far,
to be where they are.

she finaly fought and fought to go to court,
to apply for bail, but the judge and jury didn't like her case, they didn't like they guiltiness that lies within her face.

Jessica Kent-Lowe


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Gulity grief, i think that would be a great title for it, but anyways nice job Shanik