Comments : Blissful Dreaming

  • 17 years ago

    by meandhim080307

    I'd like to start out by saying that I absolutely loved this poem. I understood the meaning behind it, and I can somewhat relate to the thoughts. I love the fact that you put so much thought into it.

    There were some suggestions I'd like to make.

    "I'm curious of the possibility of mistake,but it is terrifying thinking of the humiliating paid and sorrow i could obtain,once again."

    **I wasnt sure if paid was supposed to be pain? but there should be spaces after the commas.

    "I'm overcome with the idea of them growing and expanding ten foot wide"
    **foot should be feet because it's plural.

    "i look down wards at the life below"
    **down wards should be combined because its one word.

    I hope you don't get mad that I critiqued it, but i give the overall poem a 5*5

  • 17 years ago

    by Seth

    I like this poem. I think we all feel like that at one point. Keep up the good work.

  • 17 years ago

    by Fear2love

    I understand......