Your Destiny

by Hebe   Dec 24, 2007

Your destiny

Feeling down
Don't know where to go
See bad things in everything
No places where lights glow

Deeply depressed you look outside
Where birds are singing there own song
But you can't see the bright side
You can't sing along

Bad and tough things happened
Your life is one big mess
You don't want to sit and wait here
So to yourself you will confess

You don't want to live no more
You're sick and tired of what life brings you
You decide you want to die
'Cause it's one black hole you're going through

You go to the forest
With in your hand a knife
Here and now it will end
Here and now you're going to take your life

But destiny's not done with you yet
At the last moment there flashes a thought through your mind
Your family, your friends are still here
And you know you can't left them behind

You know you'll stay alive
And will find your leading light again
In your family and friends
Who are always there for you, no matter when

So your destiny decide an other way
And not the one you had planned
Whether your like it or not
Your destiny decides how and when you're life will end

Written at 18/12/2007


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Niels

    Wow, this really is a sad poem. Almost felt shivers down my spine! Great way of telling where destiny can take you!!


  • 17 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    I feel that way too like I want to die but I still wonder whats next... great poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    Ah, destiny. I always believe in that thing :)

    Well it was a great poem about that, good job. Well I have a suggestion.. try to use more punctuations. :) well of course it's your choice to do so :)

    Anyway another suggestion.

    But destiny's not done with you yet(...)
    Use an ellipse(sp) or (...) so it creates an atmosphere for the reader :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Phil

    Hebe your talent has no bounds , great poem I loved it, keep up the good work my friend
    take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Great poem. I love it. 5/5